About Us 

Our mission is simple.


We want to educate, inspire and empower young people to take control of

their future by rejecting the gang lifestyle. 



Our Aims;

To deliver our message “get away and get safe” to as many young people as possible.


To create safer communities free from fear and anti-social behaviour. 


To inspire our young people to achieve their full potential.


To prevent further victims of gang related violence.



Our Experience

The GANGS (Get Away 'N' Get Safe) Prevention Programme was set up by James Riley in 2016 after working for 18 years within the Criminal Justice System as a Probation Officer.


For the final five years James was a specialist Probation Officer working solely with those involved in Urban Street Gangs and Organised Crime Groups in the Merseyside area. 

18 Years within the Criminal Justice System as a Probation Officer

Specialised in Urban Street Gangs & Organised Crime

Received a High Sheriff Award & Commendation from Merseyside Police

About Our GANGS Programme 


The GANGS (Get Away ‘N’ Get Safe) programme was developed using both professional research, best practice guidance and personal experience and is continuing to be developed as new research and material comes to light.

The GANGS programme is an intensive 5 session educational, preventative and diversionary programme which aims to educate young people on the dangers of the gang lifestyle for the individual, their families and the wider community. The content covers issues such as joint enterprise, consequences, retaliation, victims and criminal explotation.

It is anticipated that the GANGS programme will empower young people to make informed decisions about their current or future associates and lifestyle, thus reducing the potential risks of gang related behaviour. 

The programme is inclusive of all learning styles and uses presentations, role play, music and videos to engage the participants whilst continually sending out the message, “Get Away ‘N’ Get Safe".


Who We've Delivered the Progamme To

The GANGS programme has already been delivered to over 5000 participants from age 9-16 in schools, pupil referal units, alternative education providers and youth and community centres across England. The programme is suitable for both males and females and the GANGS programme can also be delivered to all female groups with a specific focus on exploitation if required.

The five sessions are approximately one hour in duration and the participants are given a workbook to complete and are directed to local resources.

The GANGS programme is also available as a one to one intervention which may be useful for individuals who may of been identified as having a need (i.e. by a school, satutory agency or concerned parent).

We've been commisioned by the following;


How To Commision The GANGS (Get Away 'N' Get Safe) Programme

For more information on if you are eligible to apply for funding to run this programme, or for the cost to commision the GANGS programme, please contact us.


Some of our clients:

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The GANGS (Get Away 'N' Get Safe) Gang Prevention Programme is owned and run by RJ Lifeskills Ltd.